Lonnie Moore Ministries

What We Do

Lonnie Moore Ministries includes a wide range of ministries from speaking to singing engagements, to writing sermons and Biblical studies and writing songs. Though Dr. Lonnie Moore is known widely as a pastor and preacher, perhaps he has become more widely known for his music. This website has made his ministry very attainable with material that is Christ-centered and Bible-based. This website is a resource for ministry, music, voice training, voice training manuals and recordings. With a scarcity of good training for youth, this website will be ideal for Christian Schools and Home Schools and even small Bible Colleges with a desire to enhance their music programs. The demand for Dr. Moore’s singing and music has been phenomenal. His techniques of singing have been made accessible by his latest project, “Singing Made Simple” available at Ministry Training University.

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Burdens and Goals

In a day of departing from The Faith in this generation, my desire for this website is to be a Beacon of Biblical Truth in Ministry, Music and Missions. We are experiencing a departure from the Basics of Biblical Doctrine and moral standards. Christ-centered music has given way to the rise of self-centered music. There has been a major decline in style, as well as quality of voice and musicianship. The ability to make a joyful sound is being lost, due perhaps to the poor quality of role models in music for youth today. It is my desire to be a great resource for teaching, training of correct vocal techniques and quality singing, and provide good Christian music for everyone.